wednesday’s 12pm-1pm

@ OmCulture Greenlake

Join me for a 60 min Forrest Yoga practice every Wednesday 12pm @ OmCulture Yoga & Wellness Greenlake, located on the corner of Woodlawn Ave NE and 72nd st. in Seattle, WA.

Forrest Yoga, designed by Ana T. Forrest, is a physically strengthening and internally focused practice that is intended to inspire the practitioner to track ones own transformation on and off the mat. This intelligently sequenced practice targets the bodies most structural muscles intentionally to render the student present in their whole being. This practice acts as a path to clear emotional and mental barriers often self imposed, this is done by means of the four pillars of FY - Breath, Strength, Integrity, Spirit. Not required: strength and flexibility; Required: willingness to learn authentically and respond honestly. For more on this practice visit

saturday’s 10am-11am

@ Seattle Meowtropolitan

Yoga and Cats! Come practice with me Saturday mornings in Seattle’s first Cat Cafe in Wallingford, located on N. 45th st. near the corner of Stone Way.

Class is held in the cat den and interaction with the cats is encouraged throughout practice. I lead a more relaxing Forrest Yoga inspired practice in this space. We will stretch deeply, expand our breath, giggle a bunch and learn a lot from our furry feline friends. This class is excellent for first time students, anyone with a yoga practice and for all cat lovers out there! After practice you will have about 10 minutes to feed the kitties treats and to bond with them a little more. Each guest receives a complimentary cup of tea, and you must sign up ahead of time.